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Montessori Magic Friday: Musically Montessori~Rhythm Echo Activity Cards

Do you offer rhythm echo activities for your group in your Music Curriculum? Here I have curated articles, videos, and resources (most are free!) to give you and your group some fun activities for your Montessori Music Curriculum!

1. Prepare the Activity (Command) Cards in my free download, Musically Montessori: "Boom Chick-a-Boom" Rhythm Echoes. (At the end of this post)

2. Download, copy off on card stock, laminate, and place in a basket on your Montessori Music Shelf.

3. Teach the child/ren the echo rhythm, "Boom Chick-a-Boom". You can watch this lively Youtube video that presents this traditional rhythmical activity with the words displayed. CLICK HERE

4. After the children have had practice with this rhythm at your Music Circle, then you can use the cards for suggestions of how to vary the rhythm in really fun ways. This will give the children more practice with the rhythm as well as increase their reading skills by displaying the cards as part of the activity.

5. Later, you can place these in the environment, for the children to practice together at work time.

6. Here is another one of my favorite echo rhythm activities from Frank Leto. (Check out his website HERE) Watch this Youtube video which displays the words, "Be My Echo." CLICK HERE

7. Learn more about rhythm echoes in the teaching process used in the Orff-Schulwerk Music Education Pedagogy at this link: "The Teaching Process." CLICK HERE

8. Read what Frank Leto has to say about how he uses rhythm echoes in his Montessori work with young children and how to teach children music in an effective and fun way. "About Frank Leto." CLICK HERE

9. Some echo rhythms are almost songs. My all time favorite one is this traditional chant from Ella Jenkins: "No More Pie" CLICK HERE

10. Here's an adorable youtube video of little kids performing "Oh My, No More Pie." CLICK HERE

11. Download my FREE resource, "Musically Montessori: Rhythm Echoes Activity Cards." CLICK HERE

12. You can download more of my free resources, including my eBook at my Subscriber's Freebie Collection. CLICK HERE

13. Get more ideas for Rhythm Echo Activities to bring to your Music Curriculum at my Blog! CLICK HERE

Photo credits: Adobe Stock

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