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My Montessori-based  eCourses

"How can I bring more music to my children when I can't sing?"

I've heard that question asked many times over the years. First, I always feel a little sad that some where along the way you were told that you can't sing...probably when you were a child! So, promise me that you, yourself won't ever say that to a child. 


Next, I will tell you that you certainly can sing and I will help you overcome insecurities you might have about offering music to little children. You can work on your voice by singing from your heart. Like the Montessori adage, "The hand is connected to the mind," theAmerican Cherokee people say, "The voice is connected to the heart."


In all my eCourses, I use my Montessori training to teach you!  We proceed in a step-by-step progression, using hands on experiences, and you will be gently guided by me so that you gain the skills for yourself. I reveal many of my secrets to a successful music curriculum whether your children are babies or Kindergartners.


And, after you hear my corny voice, you will know that the most important part of music is how much fun it is. Most every child I have ever seen really loves music and moves spontaneously from an early age when music is played or sung. So, we teachers have an admiring audience right off the bat when it comes to musical experiences for little ones. 


I welcome you to check out my eCourses and consider enrolling or getting on the Wait List for the upcoming ones! 


I invite you to check out my new eCourse Site HERE


This is what one of my on-line eCourse students wrote me:

"Your peaceful enthusiasm in your teaching was such a blessing to me. I cannot begin to thank you enough. You have helped a teacher with no music background, immensely! Each week my confidence grows more and more as I present what I have learned from you. You are amazing! Thank you, again! "  from Linda Kinson

(see her full testimonial on the HOME page of this website)




(With examples from all my eCourses) 





Magical Movement Company


Montessori Lesson Plan Activity Packs


  • Musically Montessori: "First 12 Weeks"

  • Montessori Baby-Ed: Month by Month

  • Musically Montessori: "Instrument Families of the Orchestra"

  • "Creating An Art Curriculum for Young Children"

  • And MORE...

Every Year In 
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