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A.M.S. Training Program 
Summer Workshop 

Every year, since 2009, I have taught a Music Workshop to the students in the Fountainhead Montessori Adult Education Program in Dublin,CA. In recent years I have taught the entire "Art, Music & Movement (AMM) Module," which happens to be a full five day intensive program, held two weekends in June.  And, since 2022, these trainings are all ONLINE!  This training is part of the FMAE Montessori Primary Certification program that is accredited by the American Montessori Society.


I will be guiding teachers and interns through activities that sharpen skills in group management of Music Circle Time as well as how to present sequential and developmentally appropriate Art, Music, & Movement Curriculums that follows the Montessori pedagogy.


After a full three days of immersion in Art, there are two more days full of singing, dancing  and playing instruments, including the Montessori Brass Bells.  Students create their Montessori -style Albums and receive college units as well.


The next training is in early June. 






Magical Movement Company


Montessori Lesson Plan Activity Packs


  • Musically Montessori: "First 12 Weeks"

  • Montessori Baby-Ed: Month by Month

  • Musically Montessori: "Instrument Families of the Orchestra"

  • "Creating An Art Curriculum for Young Children"

  • And MORE...

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